Entries by Rob Jackson

DiSC® Personality Styles: Understanding Human Behavior in the Workplace

This quote is in our President Rob Jackson’s list of favorite quotes, and as I was just writing a paper on DiSC® personality styles today, I realized what a great tie-in this quote was for personality styles and human behavior in the workplace and decided to post it here.“Great leaders understand human behavior rather than […]

Conflict Resolution: Sharpening Your Focus on Passive Workers

Conflict resolution. Today’s workplace is as much a battlefield of dueling generations as it is a ladder leading to the pinnacle of professional, social, and financial success. Your arsenal of executive leadership skills must now include tactful tactical war maneuvers and creative conflict resolution strategies.

Personality Types: A Box of Delights or Devils

If, as Forrest Gump’s mom declared, “Life really is like a box of chocolates,” then different personality types may be the surprise fillings inside–and indeed, it’s true that “You never know what you’re going to get!”