Oakland Physician Network Services (OPNS) Builds on Core Values With DiSC®
Even a group that’s worked together over the decades can always learn new ways to improve on communication.
A good part of the state of Michigan is served by Oakland Physician Network Services, Inc. Therefore, it’s pretty fair to say they’re among the best in their business. They offer a wide variety of solutions for doctors and medical facilities, ranging from financial analysis to reporting services.
DiSC®, for Advanced Communication Skills
From our point of view, it’s a safe bet to say that they’ve got a good sense of teamwork going for them, too. How else do you survive in a tough economy – not just survive, but thrive?
So when they came to us for some advanced skills work, we knew DiSC® was perfect for this group. They already had some great communication skills, and DiSC® picks up where your basic team building workshops leave off.
We found it interesting that in their core values statement, OPNS talks about teamwork. They speak our language! It goes to show: even a hugely successful organization with long-standing employees who’ve been great at their jobs for many years is always thinking of new ways to improve teamwork. Ever better, ever higher, always improving and never resting: we do speak the same language!
The Group Picks Up on New Ways to Get Their Point Across
The OPNS DiSC® training workshop event ran the full day. That meant there was plenty of time to explore personality styles, get to know one another in a new light, and learn how those styles can have a huge impact on communication.
They also had a good amount of time to explore their new knowledge. We put them up to the challenge of using their new communication skills in several interactive activities designed to help them integrate DiSC® principles into everyday tasks.
Another Successful DiSC® Training Event
The OPNS group did a great job with incorporating their new skills into an already well-developed teamwork mentality. A good, solid foundation in communication skills is all it takes to quickly take on new levels of connecting, and they definitely rose to the challenge that day in Bloomfield Township, Michigan.
As the days grow colder in Michigan and elsewhere, that day of DiSC® training with the Oakland Physician Network Services group last August fades into the past. But we know the memory of what they learned that day will stay vivid and strong. That’s why we love DiSC®!