3 Common DiSC® Questions, Answered

To Read People, First Understand Your Personality Type

Understanding your personality type can teach you how others view you.

But it cuts both ways: you can read others better, too, once you’ve explored and gained an understanding of yourself through a DiSC® assessment.

To Read People, First Understand Your Personality Type

What’s your personality type?

According to the DiSC® model, there are four types of personality profiles, and all of us are a blend of those 4 main styles.  Of course we each have our dominant type, but few are purely one type over the other three.

People-reading leads to all kinds of wonderful benefits in the workplace.  It leads to better sales technique, improved customer service, and superior management skills.

But before you can expect to discover those benefits, put some time in first learning about your own personality style.  To give you a preview of how our DiSC® Personality Workshop is run, here is a quick summary of the four DiSC® styles.

#1.  Dominance

The “D Style” describes people who are direct, firm, skeptical, and fast-paced (to the point of being impatient!).  People in the workplace who are mostly D-Style will favor action over planning, they’ll be focused on results more their non-D Style colleagues, and they love a good challenge to keep them on their toes and feeling alive.

#2.  Influence

The “i-Style” folks are more inclined to collaboration but they too are fast-paced.  Their expressive personalities thrive on action, and naturally they are very sociable and enthusiastic.  You can count on them to be accepting but watch out for their highly emotional states.

#3.  Steadiness

Our “S-Style” colleagues are those who are blessed with tons of patience, and they are very empathetic, both of which make them good collaborators.  Warm, friendly, accepting and even comforting at times, they’re great team-players and offer lots of support as well as stability to any group.

#4.  Conscientiousness

“C-Style” colleagues are the ones who tend to put the brakes on things with their demand for accuracy, reflection, and cautiousness.  This makes them very analytical (they question everything!) and thoughtful, to the point of becoming stubborn in the process.  Of course they are just as valuable to any team, since every team needs these qualities.

In fact, the ideal team has members representing every personality type from the DiSC® model described above.  After all, it’s diversity that makes a great team because you can count on more creativity, a range of talent, and a large bank of skills to draw from for team projects.

So, what’s your personality style?